Vinyl siding offers homeowners a complete package of the most desirable aspects; they include affordability, ease of installation, very low maintenance costs, durability, and lastly aesthetics. They increase the attractiveness of a home regardless of its physical location. We spoke to several experts in the area to get more information on this.

Modern vinyl siding has been crafted to beat old vinyl siding, this is because they come in different colors, texture and many other details we shall discuss below.
1. Color Explosion
Vinyl siding is now available in different attractive colors to choose from unlike in the past where just a few colors were available. Some of the most interesting colors include warm orange, purple, red, yellow, teal, and green. The availability of color has seen most neighborhoods like Harford Furnace, Creswell and Fountain Green, explode with different colors. These color variants are available at very affordable costs.
2. High-End Options
Homeowners have now shifted to the option of using high-end vinyl sidings which come with a great range of finishes, widths, trim styles and seamless styles that perfectly interlock panels with colors. They also offer amazing features like temperature control in terms of insulation and cooling and protection from ultraviolet rays.
They come with warranties, minimal maintenance requirements and durability. They are very affordable despite the much they have to offer.
3. Paneling Styles
Panel siding is now available in different styles and sizes unlike in the past when they were available strictly in only one size. The availability of different sizes allows owners to mix, trim and match the different panel styles to come up with their unique look.
Homeowners can drive through their neighborhoods to check out the different styles available before they can make up their minds on what they would prefer for their homes.
4. Mixing of Materials
The mixing of materials is one very exciting trend. It is openly visible in the Watervale, Emmorton, Glenwood, Wakefield Meadows and other high-end home neighborhoods. The other materials with which sidings can be mixed with include fiber-cement, stone, brick, wood and stucco. These trends give homes a personalized look as well as a unique and individualized curb appeal.
A careful selection of materials will also save individuals from maintenance like purchasing protective materials. Some of the protective materials include water-resistant membranes, sealing agents and paint.
Comparison between Traditional and Modern Vinyl Siding
The two have a very wide rift between them because manufacturers have improved on the traditional vinyl to meet the requirements of homeowners and environmental concerns as well.
Environment Friendly
Most materials used currently are environmentally friendly and can be recycled compared to the past where materials like aluminum and asbestos could generally not be recycled
The Insulation Aspect
Higher end modern siding panels comes with an integral insulation feature that helps lower utility bills for heating and cooling. This however, was not the case in the past.
Their Design Process
Traditional vinyl panels used to be of one standard size and style this however, has changed and homeowners can now dictate what their exact needs are which directly affects the design process.